Conservational work


Collaborating with Alnitak as a satellite vessel, my mission is to identify Risso's Dolphins in the northern waters of Menorca, in the Mediterranean Sea. Specifically, I document the position, species, number, and behavior of the dolphins, and take photographs of their dorsal fins for identification. Additionally, I dive into the water to capture underwater photos and videos.

Conservational work

Sea Shepherd

Participation as a volunteer photographer aboard the Sam Simon, one of the Sea Shepherd ships. I joined to one of the missions in the Faroe Islands for the protection of dolphins and pilot whales.

Conservational work

Save the Med

Collaborating with Save the Med as a satellite vessel, my mission is to identify Mobula Mobular in the northern waters of Menorca, in the Mediterranean Sea. Specifically, I document the position, species, number, and behavior of the dolphins. Additionally, I dive into the water to capture underwater photos and videos.

Conservational work

Fundación Palma Aquarium

Collaborating with Fundación Palma Aquarium in documenting sea turtles, mainly Caretta caretta, in the northern waters of Menorca in the Mediterranean Sea. This work ranges from encountering entangled turtles to releasing those that have been treated and rehabilitated at the foundation, as well as the release of baby turtles following the incubation and growth process.

Conservational work

Observadores del Mar

Collaborating with Observadores del Mar documenting species in the Mediterranean Sea.
Mostly endangered species, non frequent species and invasive species.

Conservational work

Govern Illes Balears

Collaborating with GOIB, which is the Government Institution from the Balearic islands. They are who give me the permits every year to document cetaceans in the Spanish waters.

Conservational work


Collaborating with GOB. They are my bridge between Menorca Island and Fundación Palma Aquarium.

Conservational work

Cabo Pulmo National Park

Participation as a volunteer photographer at the Cabo Pulmo National Park.